BangPypers The Bangalore Python User Group

December Bangpypers Meetup

December BangPypers meetup will be held on 15th, December in learnstreet office. RSVP


26,Second Floor,Zam Zam Center,
Infantry Road, Bangalore,
Karnataka - 560001, India.
Phone:  +91 80-22861869
Fax: +91 80-22861869 

Meetup will start at 3:00 PM.


  1. Experience in implementing Python Interpreter as part of PLOnlineCourse - Anand

In case any one want to have discussion about particular topic it is welcome. Feel free to leave a comment.


Attended by roughly 15 people.

At 17:30, Anand completed his presentation on his interpreter.

Started a discussion on the website. The points that came up are.


  1. Conduct community projects - Bangpypers can spearhead projects which the local user group can work on.

Site suggestions

  1. Root the blog at and then by date e.g. This entry would be
  2. We need a subscribe link on the website.
  3. We need an embedded “recent Bangpypers mail threads” widget on the site.
  4. Design love. The site needs a lot of of design love. There were some suggestions from the audience. The plan is for the interested parties (Sidharth) to send mockups to the mailing list.
  5. We need a college catalogue (like the Pune company catalogue).
  6. We need a member roster.
  7. Take appropriate steps to rename the @pyconindia twitter account and use @pythonindia for all notifications of user group meetups and everything else.