BangPypers The Bangalore Python User Group

March Meetup Report

Bangpypers march meetup was held on 23rd, March 2013 in FSMK office in

FSMK Office
No. 121/17, 1st Floor, 6th main, 14th Cross, 
Wilson garden, Bengaluru - 560030

from 2.00PM to 4.30PM, 25 people gathered.

Siva gave session how to get started with Django web development, showed a demo how to create a todo list using Django admin interface.

There was one lightning talk by Arun about his experience of using python standard library to scrape internal live journal site.

During recording audio input was mistakenly connected to audio output of the lecture recorder, as a result audio for Siva’s session was lost. Unfortunately camera backup of the video was delayed in recording and only speaker face was focused, as a result video is now unusable. Sorry :-(.