March 2015 Meetup report

The March BangPypers meetup happened at ZeOmega in Banasvadi. This time we had a total of 2 talks from 10:30AM to 2.00PM.
40+ people attended the talks. The first talk was about Experience of building desktop apps with WxPython by Sayantan Bhattacharya. The talk covered various topics on WxPython and do’s and don’ts.
Second talk was by Anand B Pillai about Gotchas in Python. The talk covered gotchas in floating numbers, mutable variables, class variables, instance variables, methods, functions etc … It was great interaction from participants.
This session went for two hours and workshop content can be used downloaded from here. In case if you would like to use the material you need to seek permission from Anand.
We would like to thank ZeOmega for sponsoring the venue. Big kudos for speakers and participants.