Feb 2016 bangpypers talk report

The February BangPypers talks happened at the Grofers, attended by 70 participants. This is the first time Grofers hosted us.
First talk was
Deploying a simple Django application with nginx and uwsgi on a Ubuntu server
by Jagadish. Talk covered uWSGI configuration, advantage of using virtualenv, emperor mode and other key aspects of uWSGI.
Second talk was
Analysing public health care of India
by Unnati Team, Nischal HP and Raghotham S. Talk was centered on health care data available for Nilgris District and Chennai District from data.gov.in. The session was interactive and lot of data related discussion sprout up. Audience interacted with speakers after talk for long time.
Third talk was
Introduction to collections module
by Sasidhar
. Talk covered collection modules features like namedtuple
, dequeue
, Counter
, OrderedDict
, defaultdict
with lot of examples. These are very handy features and used quite often.
Final talk was
Dealing with Django CSRF in SPA
by Akshay
. This was flash talk and he covered how to handle scenairo when cookies weren’t set in request.
Please take a minute to share your feedback to us in the form. Feel free to send us your thoughts and suggestions.
Thanks for all participanst, speakers and Grofers for hosting us.