Feb 2016 bangpypers workshop

The February BangPypers workshop was hosted by Sabre, attended by 60 participants. This was a joint meetup organized by BangPypers and Bangalore Operations Research Meetup.
Amit from Sabre Technologies spoke about optimzations in airlines, about industry usecase. The session was well received, followed by Q&A.
Bargava kick started the workshop,
Introduction to Optimization using Python
with simple problem.
Various ways to compute the solution for the problem was discussed. Each approach was discussed with its pros and cons. Every approach was solved in white board first and later in Python. Lot of classic computer science concepts like Knapsack problem, Dynamic programming, Greedy Algorithm were discussed. During the course of the workshop various problems and solutions were discussed.
The workshop material can found in Github.
Please take a minute to share your feedback to us in the form. Feel free to send us your thoughts and suggestions.
Thanks for all participanst, speakers and Sabre for hosting us.