Talks About Mesh Networks – 2016 May Meetup

May meetup happened at the Blue Jeans in Prestige tech park. 35 people attended the event. This time we had a series of talks about Mesh networks.
Selva gave first talk. He explained about how internet works, what is a mesh network and why we need one. He also explained how mesh networks were used during chennai floods for communication when there was no other way to communicate. He also explained advantages of setting up a mesh network in rural areas and challenges in setting up them.
Second talk was given by Ganesh. He explained about the hardware for Mesh networks. He started with basics of routers, how router works, their design and how we can take complete control of it using OpenWRT. He also explained FM, design of various antennas and showed several softwares available for it.
Third talk was by Surya. He talked about P2P software applications. He explained why we need a p2p approach. Later he explained about several interesting projects Zeronet, ZeroConf, Avahi, Serval Mesh, Rumble, Murmur, opentracker, etc. Some of them are built with Python.
Slides about talks are available here and here.
At the end, there was a flash talk by Saurabh about defaultdict(collections). He explained how to implement a recursive defaultdict(a tree) and use cases of it. You can find the code here.
Bluejeans livestreamed the event. Several people who couldn’t come to venue watched it online.
In case if You’re interested to give talk or a workshop, please leave comment in the meetup page.
Thanks to speakers and BlueJeans for hosting & streaming the event.