BangPypers The Bangalore Python User Group

July 2015 meetup report

The July BangPypers talks happened at the LinkedIn in Prestige tech park. 82 people attended the event!

First talk was Scaling LinkedIn Infrastructure Management with Python Eco-System by Bhupendra Singh and Veerabahu Subramanian. photo1 photo2 Talk covered how monitoring, alerts are done at large scale and different libraries used.

Second talk was Avoiding common pitfalls of datetime from a webapp’s perspective by Indradhanush. photo3 Talk covered do’s and don’t about datetime and how to test datetime specific code. Slides can be found here.

Third talk was Python, Salt, BitTorrent : Cross­colo data transfer at 10GB/s by Akhil Malik. photo4 Talk covered how LinkedIn uses torrent architecture for transfering content. The talk was crisp, covered how saltstack is used for orchestration.

Last talk was Explore Big Data using Simple Python Code and Cloud Environment by Hari photo5 Talk covered how to use AWS infrastructure to bring up cluster of machine and process Wikipedia dataset. The speaker wrote small piece of python mapper and reduce program to extract the data.

In case you’re interested to give talk in our next meetup, please leave comment in the meetup page.

Kudos to participants for making the workshop great and thanks to LinkedIn for providing the space.