October 2015 meetup report

The October BangPypers talks happened at the Belong in Jeevan Bhima Nagar. 50 - 60 people attended the event on a loooong weekend, total RSVP was 96! Talks commenced at 10:15 AM.
First talks was How to use Salt Stack to create working machine from bare os
by Ramaseshan. Talk covered salt-master, minion, modules, remote executions, grains, pillars
. Code sample is available in GitHub.
Ram on 'How to use Salt Stack to create working machine from bare os' https://t.co/0QbPpZZooc via @__bangpypers__ pic.twitter.com/1hws5V7zdC
— Belong.co (@BelongCo) October 24, 2015
Second was Flash talk about PythonExpress by Shanki and Vijay. PythonExpress is platform to teach Python programming language to colleges.
Vijay is talking about Python Month/Express history, future plans & how you can help. @vnbang2003 @__bangpypers__ pic.twitter.com/KbeeiWQjVW
— Sivasubramaniam A (@sivaa_in) October 24, 2015
Third talk was Bottle and how it helps DBA's
by Darshan. This was first time Darshan speaking in meetup, audience were able to sense the excitement and happiness of finding a tool which saves time.
Second Talk : Darshan is talking about Python/Bottle and how it helps their DBA's. @__bangpypers__ @BelongCo pic.twitter.com/SxDEpdfx84
— Sivasubramaniam A (@sivaa_in) October 24, 2015
Final talk was Introduction to Pandas
by Anand Chillar. Anand covered topics Vectorization, series, DataFrame
. Lot of audience would relate ease of using Pandas while dealing with CSV files. Here is the link to presentation.
Last Talk: Introduction to Pandas by Anand P Reddy. @__bangpypers__ @ChillarAnand @BelongCo pic.twitter.com/lqFou4dLQV
— Sivasubramaniam A (@sivaa_in) October 24, 2015
Please take 30 seconds to fill the feedback form.
Talks concluded at 12:30 and all participants went for Lunch.
25 participants stayed back after lunch to hack on Open Source projects. Participants worked on Junction, wye, [django-facebook-graph] (https://github.com/rtindru/django-facebook-graph) and few other pet projects. There was a git crash course.
And the open source teams set off! @__bangpypers__ pic.twitter.com/B6WnJdflWw
— Belong.co (@BelongCo) October 24, 2015
@__bangpypers__ @BelongCo Office! pic.twitter.com/MtAp9NlUMb
— Akhilesh Ravishankar (@Akhilesh) October 24, 2015
If You’re interested to give talk or a workshop, please leave comment in the meetup page.
Thanks to speakers, participants for making meetup awesome and Belong for hosting the event.