
This edition of the meetup was a potpourri of sorts considering the range of topics discussed.
We had Rajesh Kumar presenting us with a game based on the popular KBC game show. We had a good laugh playing the game which paved the way for Rajesh to introduce the different user interactions supported in the game and how those were handled. We went on to understand the design choices that were in the game’s implementation. (Find the implementation here) This fun-filled talk was followed by one from our veteran speaker, Vinay Keerthi. Having meddled with a bunch of languages Vinay now had to learn Rust for a solution at work. From his learnings in that journey Vinay introduced us to the features of Rust from a Pythonista’s perspective and also how Rust had imbibed something that was preached in the python world time and again-‘Explicit is better than Implicit’. One of the primary takeaways from this information-packed talk was a note on what one’s intention to checkout or pick up new languages should be - it would only serve us to understand our goto language a wee bit better in trying to learn the new language and its paradigm. If you find the new language interesting you have a new language at your disposal else you learnt a thing or two that was done well in your language of choice for which you would have a better appreciation for now. Find the slides for the talk here and the code here.
The last of the talks was by Mike Driscoll, author of books that most of us used to pick up python- Python 101 and Python 201. Mike took us through the use of python packages to grok and wrangle Excel data. In his detailed talk, he started with demonstrating the use of OpenPyXL Library to achieve simple operations of reading, writing and parsing that data to formating the spreadsheets in Excel and also went on to demo how to develop charts for excel with the use of python. That was a very insightful talk to conclude the meetup for the month. Go grab Mike’s upcoming book ‘Automating Excel with Python’ and find the code examples here.
If you missed the meetup and still want to catch up with the talks head over to our Youtube channel to catch the recording of the session here.
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