NVS Abhilash
NVS Abhilash NVS Abhilash

March 2024 Meetup

BangPypers organized the March meetup on March 16, 2024, at o9 Solutions, Bangalore. The meetup was attended by around 35 people which included many returning members along with one of the founding members of BangPypers. We had a lineup of three talks involving a new Python template engine, RAG for LLMs, and featues which made Python 3.11 faster.

The first talk was about “PH7 - A Templating Engine That’s Not Annoying to Use” given by Viraj Patel. Viraj introduced PH7, a templating engine inspired by JSX and Bable. This engine allows writing HTML using Python and offers native CSS and JS support. Viraj discussed the reasons behind developing a new templating engine despite the existence of several others and how PH7 can help create more modular, reusable, and maintainable templates.

Viraj Patel presenting PH7 - A Templating Engine That's Not Annoying to Use

The second talk titled “Create RAG Apps for Enterprise Use Cases” was presented by Joydeep Bhattacharjee. Joydeep explained how to build Retrieval Augmented Generation Apps using GPT powered models. The talk included a brief discussion on the different parts of the RAG pipeline and showcased an example chatbot built using ollama. Joydeep also spent some time whiteboarding and explaining to our curious audience about some niche details about RAGs.

Joydeep Bhattacharjee presenting Create RAG Apps for Enterprise Use Cases

Following the first two presentations, we took a brief 5-minute break for tea and networking. Afterward, we gathered back for the final talk of the day.

The third and final talk, “Python Interpreter Speed-Ups and Optimization” presented by Anand Pillai (founder of BangPypers), focused on some aspects of what makes Python 3.11 faster. Anand covered some of the changes introduced from Python 3.10 to Python 3.11, including Quickening with Adaptive Instructions, Leaner Stack frames, and Inlined function calls. He provided some code examples demonstrating this speed-up and the talk was particularly relevant for those interested in Core Python.

Anand Pillai presenting Python Interpreter Speed-Ups and Optimization

Finally, we concluded the meetup with a tasty and filling lunch where many attendees also got a chance to network and exchange ideas. A special thanks to Abhiram and Dr. Narasimha Kamath from o9 Solutions for hosting this meetup.

We meet every month to discuss such cool ideas around Python. To keep an eye for our next meet-up, don’t forget to follow us here:

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